
groovy / gremlin script to load EAC-CPF relations into a graph database

build gremlin

gremlin.sh -e load/load_eac.grm

this file on google code

I could not figure out how to pass command line parameter to a gremlin script, so as gross as this is we have to
set environmental variables

  • EAC_DIR merged records from Berkeley
  • XTF_BASE_URL need to look stuff up in an XTF index of the EAC_DIR
  • GRAPH_DB neo4j database path
  • GRAPH_ML graphML.xml dump of graph
def env = System.getenv()

directory to troll

def data_root = env['EAC_DIR'] ?: "./data"

XTF Base URL used in inner loop to look up authorized form of name

def xtf_base = env['XTF_BASE_URL'] ?: "http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/xtf/search?raw=1&sectionType="

def database_path = env['GRAPH_DB'] ?: "./neo4j-db"

def graphML = env['GRAPH_ML'] ?: "./graph-snac-example.xml"

does the input even exist ?

def dir = new File(data_root)
if (!(dir.exists()) ){ println data_root + " not found"; System.exit(1) }

create graph

def g = new Neo4jGraph(database_path)

we'll need this index later; autoindex incantation

indexKeys = new HashSet()
index = g.createAutomaticIndex('name-idx', Vertex.class, indexKeys)

created manual index for "related items" api

sourceEADurlIndex = g.createManualIndex('sourceEADurlIndex', Vertex.class)

first loop; define vertex for each name / EAC file

  def eac = new XmlSlurper().parse(file).declareNamespace(xlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink')

xpath: /eac-cpf/cpfDescription/identity[1]/nameEntry/part read the stuff from the xml in this XMLSlurper path notation

  def fromName = eac.cpfDescription.identity[0].nameEntry[0].part
  def entityType = eac.cpfDescription.identity[0].entityType
  def viafFunk = eac.control.otherRecordId.findAll{ it.@localType == 'VIAFId' }[0].text()
  def viaf = viafFunk.replaceFirst(/VIAFId:/, "http://viaf.org/viaf/")
  def dbpedia = eac.control.otherRecordId.findAll{ it.@localType == 'dbpedia' }[0].text()
  dbpedia = dbpedia.replaceFirst(/dbpedia:/, "")
def existDates = eac.cpfDescription.description[0].existDates
  def creatorOf = ''
  def referencedIn = ''

I happen to know only xlink:role="archivalRecords" have xlink:href's right now

  eac.cpfDescription.relations.resourceRelation.findAll { it."@xlink:href" != '' }.each {  
    if (it."@xlink:arcrole" == "creatorOf") {
      creatorOf = creatorOf + it."@xlink:href" + "\n"
    if (it."@xlink:arcrole" == "referencedIn") {
      referencedIn = referencedIn + it."@xlink:href" + "\n"

stuff the stuff into the graph database

  Vertex vertex = g.addVertex(null)
  vertex["filename"] = file.getName()
  vertex["identity"] = fromName as String
  vertex["entityType"] = entityType as String
if (existDates != '') { vertex["existDates"] = existDates as String }

there has got to be a better way? !="" and splitting a string on \n

  if (creatorOf != '')     { 
    vertex["creatorOf"]  = creatorOf 
    creatorOf.tokenize("\n").each {
      sourceEADurlIndex.put("creatorOf", it, vertex)
  if (referencedIn != '')  { 
    vertex["referencedIn"]  = referencedIn 
    referencedIn.tokenize("\n").each {
      sourceEADurlIndex.put("referencedIn", it, vertex)
  if (viaf != '')          { vertex["viaf"]  = viaf }
  if (dbpedia != '')       { vertex["dbpedia"] = dbpedia as String }
  print vertex["identity"]
  println vertex


second loop; create the edges here is where the the web is woven


first, get then vertex for this file

  def eac = new XmlSlurper().parse(file).declareNamespace(xlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink')
  def from_name = eac.cpfDescription.identity[0].nameEntry[0].part
  def from_node = index.get("identity", from_name as String)>>1
  def from_file = from_node.filename

now, process all related names

  eac.cpfDescription.relations.cpfRelation.each {

parse the recordId out of the descriptiveNote

    String p = it.descriptiveNote.p
    def recordId = p[10..p.size()-1] // so hackish

XmlSlurper does an http request to XTF look up by recordId: first

    def crossQueryResult = new XmlSlurper().parse("${xtf_base}control&text=${recordId}")
    def to_name = crossQueryResult.docHit[0].meta.identity[0]
    def where = "recordId"

no luck with recordId? do a search of the identity sectionType!

    if ( to_name == '') {
      crossQueryResult = new XmlSlurper().parse("${xtf_base}identity&text=${it.relationEntry}")
      to_name = crossQueryResult.docHit[0].meta.identity[0]
      where = "identity"

get the vertex to connect to

    def to_node, to_file
    to_node_iterator = index.get("identity", to_name as String)
    if ( to_node_iterator ) { 
      to_node = to_node_iterator.next()
      to_file = to_node.filename

we'll need to know the edge type

    def arcrole = it."@xlink:arcrole"

we we can create an edge; then do so

    if ( from_node && to_node && arcrole && (from_node != to_node) ) {
      def e = g.addEdge(null, from_node, to_node, arcrole as String)

and add some properties to the edge

      e["to_name"] = to_name as String
      e["to_file"] = to_file as String
      e["from_name"] = from_name as String
      e["from_file"] = from_file as String
      e["pre_merge_record_id"] = recordId as String

no match found

    } else {
      print "SKIPPED"
      print "${from_node}|${from_file}|${to_node}|${to_file}|${arcrole}"
    println "\"${from_name}\" ${arcrole} \"${to_name}\"; ${recordId} ${where}"

println "compute popularity"

pre compute popularity score (for each vertex in the graph)

for (z in g.V ) { 
  z.score = z.out.count() 
  print "${z.score}."

output a graphML file

GraphMLWriter.outputGraph(g, new FileOutputStream(graphML))

neo4j likes to be shutdown graceful like


gist https://gist.github.com/1593245 has samples of the output of this script